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Christmas Day 2014 at Sherri and Gary's with Helton and Dennis; Nathan, Kelly, Kelsey and Jared; Karen and John; Emogene and Kelli
A Wisconsin Merry Christmas with family
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2014-12-25-Christmas (10 images) Click a picture to see a larger view.
The family celebrate Christmas Day December 25 2014. The holiday was on Thursday in 2014. Food and drink and a very good time.
Grandmother, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, grandsons andgranddaughters and friends made it a great family holiday
Grandmother, Sherri, Kelsey, Dennis, Helton, Jared, New York, holiday, Christmas, December, 2014, coisa, coisacoisa, Kelli, Kelly, Nathan, Moore, Saxe, Garage, John, Karen, visit, family, celebrate, Emogene, 89 years, old